showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Sol Survivor Microsoft Game Studios (Cadenza Interactive)2009 labelimageminimize
Defense Grid: The Awakening Hidden Path Entertainment2009Strategically place your towers on the map to prevent alien enemies from stealing your power cores. Play for just fifteen minutes or several hours! This award-winning game includes 10 hours of story play with 20 unique maps in the Awakening campaign, four bonus Borderlands maps, a wide variety of tower and enemy types, an interactive soundtrack, plus over 100 unlockable challenge modes adding dozens of hours of additional fun. Protect the Cores. labelimagesubject
Commander - World 1  Ephemere Games2010 labelimageminimize
Iron Brigade  Microsoft Studios (Double Fine Productions)2011Originally released as Trenched in U.S./North America, but with international release the game name was changed for all regions to Iron Brigade due to trademark issues in Europe. labelimageminimize
Dungeon Defenders Trendy Entertainment2011 labelimageminimize
RIPD: The Game  Atlus (Old School Games)2013 labelimageminimize
Aqua Kitty Tikipod2013 labelimageminimize